Apr 16th, 2009 – The Resources section has been updated. Some defunct links were weeded out, a new link added to the editor's archived essays at geevees.blogspot.com.
Jan 5th, 2006 – The Literature section has been retouched, and links for availability and further description have been included for each title. The has been integrated with gkWiki. Please read a discussion at the Vilasa Kunja forums for more information.
Dec 30th, 2006 – This website has been added to the Gaudiya Kutir Network. You'll find more information by looking at the site footer. The Essays section has been restructured and dead links have been removed. Most essays are now available as PDF downloads. We need to start working on introductory essays.
Nov 23rd, 2006 – Printable versions of all pages are now available by clicking on the printer icon at the right column of the page. The section on "Acquiring knowledge" has moved from Literature to Philosophy.
May 19th, 2006 – The first half of the Glossary-page is now available. Resources have been tidied up a bit.
May 16th, 2006 – The History-page has been finally completed with the addition of history spanning from the 17th century onwards.
May 10th, 2006 – It's been a long time since the last updates on the site. Today, Gaudiya.Com is happy to announce its relationship with Gaudiya Kutir, an organization dedicated to furthering the common interests of traditional Gaudiya Vaishnavas.
With new resources at our disposal, the site will begin growing anew. The history-section will be completed momentarily, summary biographies will be added to the saints-section, and the glossary will be completed, too. The text on the entire site will be brushed up on, it's been a while since it was written... If you have other suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us!
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